About & User Guide

Turnstile is an online cloud-based video platform exclusively for Premier League rights holders allowing access to Turnstile coverage/full matches and selected pre-produced programming, in its original content format. Once registered, users can browse, search for and view requested clips through a personal collection and download broadcast quality files.

User Guide & Platform Walkthrough

This site is compatible with all major browsers, Internet Explorer (10+ above), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari.
It is optimised for Google Chrome on Windows operating systems.

Browse, Search & Filter

A basic search will use the key term entered to search through a number of metadata fields associated to each archived record and return results on a hitlist page.

To perform a basic search using filters;

  1. Enter a search term into the search bar located in the top right of all pages.
  2. Press the "search" button.
  3. The results will be returned on a hitlist page.
  4. Filter the results by the fileds (Club, Match Date etc) on the left. 
  5. Use the 'Sort by' drop down filter to display the results according to the relevant options. 
  6. Use the numbering system (1,2,3 etc) and the 'Next' and 'Last' at the bottom of the page to browse hitlist pages if more than one page of results is retrieved.

If you are looking for a particular fixture, club or programme, you can browse using the top menu bar navigation items listed below. Alternatively you can browse all content currently available within the site.

Clipping Extracts

You may create subclips to download content from Turnstile. Please refer to the video above for the clipping section, or view it below.

Creating & Saving Clips

My Collections

My Collections sits within My Account and can be used to manage your collection of clips and/or full records. Any number of collections can be created and any number of clips and/or full records can be added to a collection, you can also save individual notes with each collection.

To create a collection;

  1. Retrieve a hitlist containing results you wish to add.
  2. Click "Add to My Collection" underneath the desired record thumbnail.
  3. Either create a new collection by entering a title and clicking "Create" or select a pre existing collection from the list and click "Add record to My Collection".

Once a collection has been created it can be viewed, edited, shared or deleted.

  1. Click on My Account and see the "My Collections" section. 
  2. A list of your collections will be displayed on the left hand side of this page, to view a particular collection click on its title or the option to view in the context menu. My Collections and My Orders can be individually moved from left to right aligned as you wish. 
  3. Once a full record or a clip (a clip icon is shown on the media that is a clip, not a full record, to distinguish) there are the following options;
    • View clip and/or original record 
    • Order a download
    • Edit caption (clip name)
    • Edit in and out points (trim clip)
    • Remove from my collection
  4. At a collection level when 1 or more record or clip are placed in an individual collection, there are the following options;
    • Update access control list (read and/or write permissions can be granted to another site user)
    • View public version (this can be shared with external users)
    • Edit title
    • Edit description
    • Delete

My Orders & downloads

My Orders also sits within My Account and shows all of the media that each registered user has requested for download. Refresh to ensure all recent requested downloads are shown. To download the file to a chosen location for your use;

  1. A file can only be saved to your location once the requested download has fully processed.
  2. Select Download from the context menu (N.B. First time users on Windows operating systems will be prompted to install the Imagen AFD to activate the accelarated file delivery module.)
  3. Save to your chosen location. 

NB. Speed of download will depend on your bandwidth and the length of the requested clip and/or the original record size.

Frequently Asked Questions by Section


  • What content is available on PremierLeagueArchive.com?

    There is currently full match coverage available from 2004/05 to 2021/22 and programming from 1992/93 to 2020/21.

    How long will it be before a match from the 2021/22 season will be made available?

    Content from the current season (2021/22 onwards) will be made available approximately 1 -3 days after the conclusion of each match. This may be longer during December and early January due to increased levels of fixtures.

    What pre-produced programmes are available?

    There are 892 programmes consisting of 581 Classic Matches, 214 Golden Moments, 22 Review of the Season, 19 Goals of the Season, 2 x 10 part Legends series. Additional archive programming includes Great Goals, Own Goals & Gaffs, Rivalries, Skill Factor and Heroes. There are also hundreds of Short Form content clips, spanning across all seasons since 1992/93, which are being added to weekly.

    Can we get footage of matches from the 1980’s and 1990’s?

    Premier League’s inaugural season was 1992/93 and all matches dating back to 1992/93 are available as part of your quota. However, additional technical/delivery fees may be applicable should you wish to access any content from matches that are not currently available on PremierLeagueArchive.com. Please contact turnstile@plproductions.co.uk with any ‘offline’ content requests.

    How long will ordered clips be available to download from the site?

    Any ordered clips will be stored for 7 days after which they will expire. If an ordered clip has expired you can re-order the same clip but the cost will be deducted from your quota again.

    What format will the files be delivered in?

    The original content format is DNX 120 for High Definition (HD) and IMX 50 for Standard Definition (SD), both with an MXF wrapper. This will be the only deliverable format at launch but other formats for digital use (e.g. 10mbps .mov) will likely be confirmed in due course.

Your Account, Groups & Quotas

  • Can you confirm what my monthly quota will be , as discussed at the Workshop?

    Your monthly quota will be confirmed in your Broadcast Services Agreement, please refer to this documentation.

    Is usage restricted on a monthly basis or can I use my yearly quota in one go?

    Your quota will be refreshed on a monthly basis so you will not be able to use this allowance in one go.

    What clarifies as a month, 1st - 31st  or fluctuating?

    We follow the calendar month and all quotas will be refreshed on the 1st of each month, as per your agreement.

    Can we keep track of our monthly usage?

    Once you receive access to PremierLeagueArchive.com your shared quota balance will be displayed in My Account. Before processing an order you will also be shown the ‘cost’ of your order and your remaining quota for the relevant month to confirm you are happy to proceed with the order.

    What is the cost if we do not sign up to PLP’s ‘all-inclusive’ technical access offer?

    It will be charged by rate card per season, please refer to the Premier League Distribution Services Rate Card 2016-2019.

    Is the monthly quota shared out between all registered users within a group?

    Yes. All users with permitted access to the archive site within your group will use the same quota allowance. If one user uses the entire monthly allocation, no one else in this group will be able to access content until the next month.

    How many individual users can have access under each group account?

    There is no specific restrictions on the number of individual users, however the quota will be accessible by any user within the group so you would be advised to manage this appropriately so you do not exceed or waste your quota limit.

    What if we run out of our quota but still need access to archive?

    Please contact James.Kiening@img.com with any additional content requests.

Use of downloaded material

  • Are there any specific rights restrictions surrounding the content?

    Any specific rights restrictions will be confirmed in your Broadcast Services Agreement, please refer to this documentation.

    Are we able to utilise archive material (in its original form) on Social media platforms (such as Facebook) and other 3rd party outlets for promotional use?

    Any specific rights restrictions will be confirmed in your Broadcast Services Agreement, please refer to this documentation.

    Is there a limit to how many transmissions we can broadcast per download and/or per month/season?

    There are no additional restrictions on number of transmissions outside of your Broadcast Agreement.


Who do I contact in order to set-up a new user with a group account?

Please contact apps@plproductions.co.uk if you wish to set up an additional user within an existing group account.

Who do I contact if there are any issues downloading content?

There is a 24 hour support line for any issues with the site, please contact Support (Software). If you unsure if the issue is site related or in regards to your account, please contact PLP Media Management Team at mediamgt@plproductions.co.uk

Louis Welsman

Media Manager


Danny O'Hara

Senior Media Coordinator


Nathan Irving

Senior Media Coordinator


Sergei Dimlic

Senior Media Coordinator



Senior Media Coordinator
